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Tips to Make Your Silver Hair Color Last Longer

Johnny Rodriguez The Salon maintaining a client
<a href="https://www.johnnyrodriguezsalon.com/">https://www.johnnyrodriguezsalon.com/</a>How to Make Your Silver Hair Color Last Longer - Johnny Rodriguez The Salon

Vibrant hair colors from all over the rainbow are hot looks that can update a tired hairstyle instantly. One of the most stunning looks is a silver-grey hair color. Pulling off a silver color takes some effort into caring for your hair and a confident attitude. If you want to make a dramatic change to your hair, silver may be the shade that makes you shine. Investing in gorgeous hair color at the salon also requires some work on your part at home to ensure your color is long-lasting. At Johnny Rodriguez The Salon®, we can help women in Plano and Dallas find the perfect hair color that complements their style and bone structure. We can also help with aftercare steps to keep your color bold and brilliant for months after your visit.

The Best Way to Maintain Your Grey or Silver Hair Color

After spending time and money on beautiful grey hair color at the salon, you want to do everything you can at home to make sure the hue lasts. To start, you may want to hold back on the shampooing and conditioning for a bit. Silver hair color may last longer if you wash your hair a little less frequently. Aim to wash your strands once or twice a week instead of every day. Washing too frequently may fade your color or remove the necessary oils that keep your mane healthy.

It's also important to scrutinize the products you use when washing, conditioning, and styling your hair. Investing in high-quality luxury hair care products, such as Oribe, may end up saving you more money in hair color costs. The key is to look for formulas that avoid parabens, sulfates, and alcohol ingredients. These harmful ingredients may be part of drugstore shampoo and conditioning products and could strip and fade the color as well as your hair's natural moisture.

Grey hair color also benefits from moisturizing products that help replenish hair that is dry or brittle. You can try using a weekly hair mask or an extra-moisturizing leave-in conditioner when you wash your hair. Avoid products that build up residue on your hair. With a silver color, residue can quickly turn a brilliant shade of silver into a grim-looking grey that is dull. Taking care of your grey hair can help it continue to look bright and beautiful.

Why Do You Need To Protect Grey Hair Differently?

Grey hair color needs different types of care at home than other hues, like blonde, brown, red, or black. Most shades of grey are lighter than other hair colors in the spectrum, other than platinum blonde or white. Dying your hair from a darker color to a brilliant grey may also require more time and styling adjustments.

Before going grey, the first thing you may want to do is get a new haircut. People with shorter hairstyles may have more success going grey than someone with a long style. Consider getting a modern bob, a pixie, a crop, or a layered cut before you start the lightning process.

Next, going grey may take several steps of lightening to get to the right shade. In the professional hair coloring world, lightening the hair with bleach is something that could be done over several visits. Darker hair may need to gradually turn a lighter shade like grey so the hair isn't damaged by an intense bleaching session. The gradual lightening process is also a great way to slowly lighten your hair over time. This way, you could get used to the lighter color in time instead of going for a new, dramatic look all at once.

Since grey is a lighter color on the color wheel, it also may reflect light differently. When choosing certain hair care products, women in Plano and Dallas may need to be careful about the color of the formula for the specific product.

Grey hair color does best with hair care products that are shaded white, yellow, grey, silver, blue, or purple. These products can reduce the brassiness that may come with a bright grey shade and give your hair more shine.

Grey hair color may also have a higher chance of looking dry if you use the wrong products. The lengthy lightning process could remove some of the hair's moisture and have it looking brittle if you don't add moisturizing to your routine.

Different Shades of Grey Last Different Periods of Time

Silver hair color may also not last as long as other colors in the hair coloring world. Hair color may last for a certain period of time depending on several factors. Permanent hair color works by bonding to the hair's cuticle and permanently changing the structure of the hair follicle. Silver hair color is typically a permanent process that can't be washed out and won't fade after a few weeks if taken care of properly.

What does happen to permanent hair color is that it can disappear as your hair grows. When your hair grows, your natural roots will begin to show. If you have really dark hair as your natural shade, your roots can be very dramatic against a light grey hue. To combat this, colorists recommend that clients get a hair color touch-up every four to six weeks. For the average person, this can be time-consuming and expensive, but for a beautiful grey, it's worth it.

To make the most of your grey hair, you may want to talk to your colorist in Plano or Dallas to get a recommendation for the specific shade of grey that works best for your skin tone, style, and preferences. Darker shades of grey may end up lasting a little longer and may require fewer touch-ups than lighter shades. For the lightest shades of grey, you may need to schedule frequent root touch-ups to keep your color looking flawless and neat.

Besides your roots growing in, another issue with this color is that different grey shades may fade faster than others. Light grey tends to fade a little faster than darker hues, so clients should aim to use top-quality salon products that are designed to limit color fading. Clients can also opt for grey highlights or low lights to make the transition more natural and the upkeep a little less intense.

Hair Colorist in Plano and Dallas, TX

It's time to pamper yourself and put your style first with a new, dramatic change to your hair color. If you've always been curious about going silver or grey, talk to your colorist to see how to make it happen and love it. Silver color works great for women going grey naturally or those who just want to try the shade out. You can show off gorgeous, flawless hair with our coloring services and advice.

If you're ready to walk out of the salon with a new, dramatic look, contact our team at Johnny Rodriguez The Salon®. We can guide you through the process to go grey and give you tips to maintain your hair's health while it changes. Discover how grey color can be fun and get a color makeover with our team today. Book either at our Plano location or our Dallas location.

Featured Image: Dmitri Gromov/Shutterstock

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